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Why does my event appear to be Sold Out? - Mon - Nov 1, 2021 - 1:29pm

  • Posted by Dawn Updated: Nov 2021 0 Comments
    When the tickets sold plus the tickets pending completion exceeds your event's capacity, the following message will appear to logged in users:

    The quantity of tickets sold and tickets pending cause an event to appear Sold Out. This will remain until the total tickets sold matches the capacity for the event.

    Screen Shot 2021-11-01 at 1.50.06 PM.png 37.68 KB

    We hold orders for 10 minutes to give your customers the opportunity to enter credit card information and other details.  This causes tickets to appear as "pending sale". So, for example, if you have a capacity of 50 tickets on your event, and 46 of those tickets are sold, there are four remaining tickets for sale. However, if one customer has those four tickets in her cart, we need to reserve those for this last remaining customer. This causes the event to appear as "Sold Out" to the public. In the interim, we show account users the message indicating that more tickets are pending sale.