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How can we charge a small fee to our patrons for a ticket exchange? - Tue - Sep 13, 2011 - 12:30pm

  • Posted by Dawn Updated: Mar 2023 0 Comments Orders
    When you, or an administrator, are handling the exchange, you can add a fee of any amount using the price override function.

    Increase the ticket price by the amount of the fee

    For example, if your ticket exchange came over with a price of $0 for a no fee exchange, you can change the price of the new ticket to $3 (or whatever amount you'd like to charge for the ticket exchange) on the checkout page for the exchange. You can even notate the price override by leaving a comment in the Administrator Comment input field.

    Add an "Exchange Fee" to your event

    You can create a fee called an exchange fee that is only charged when processing orders internally.  You can waive this fee when processing a standard order and leave it there when processing an exhange.