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Fundraising Campaigns and Donations now available on events - Thu - Mar 14, 2019 - 1:34pm

  • Posted by Stacy Updated: Dec 2021 0 Comments Announcements
    Several software updates to note as of Thursday, March 14th. 

    Campaigns can now be specified on events 

    When customers make a donation with an event, the donation can now be specified to a specific fundraising campaign. To take advantage of this new option, edit an existing event where donations are allowed. Select from a list of your existing Fundraising Campaigns that you want available for customers to choose from when making a donation. The list of available fundraising campaigns will appear on events next to the request for a donation ONLY IF you edit your events and specify which campaigns should appear per event. If you select only one campaign to apply on an event, all donations made with that event will automatically be applied to the selected campaign. Please edit your events today and apply campaigns where appropriate. 

    Donations are now available on Cart orders!

    Our development team made considerable changes to the infrastructure regarding donations. These improvements allowed us to extend shopping cart option to now include donations. When a customer purchases tickets to multiple events in a single order (a shopping cart order), they can now also include a donation with one or all of the events at the same time. Donations can be individually made or specified for a certain campaign as described above. 

    Search for Donations from Orders 

    When you load the Orders tab, there is a new option available on the right side of the page labeled, "Donation Orders Only". When you check this option, you can retrieve all orders where a donation was given. 
    Change to the Public Event Display We have updated the public design of certain events displays where we display a list of ticket types, surveys, donations and shipping. Please check your public displays to ensure everything is displaying as expected. 

    IMPORTANT: Organizations that have custom CSS, located within their Account Settings, may require new style changes. Let us know if you have any questions about any of the above changes!