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How can I customize the email sent to customers who make a donation through an event? - Mon - Jul 11, 2016 - 2:54pm

  • Posted by Pam Updated: Dec 2022 0 Comments Donations
    When a customer purchases a ticket AND makes a donation on the same order, the customer will receive two confirmation emails, one for the ticket and a separate one for the donation. In addition, if a customer makes a donation through a "Campaign" for fundraising and annual support, they will also receive an automated donation email receipt. 

    To customize the donations confirmation email, please follow the steps below: 

    1. Go to Templates > Donation Email 
    2. Add content to the email. Optionally use tokens to customize the email to the patron 
    3. Click Update

     The donations email will utilize the colors and logo set on the order email template in the "Email Template" section of the Account Settings. For more information on creating a separate donation campaign, please click on the link below:

    Campaigns: How-To-Guide