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How can we accept Monthly Recurring Donations? - Tue - Dec 3, 2019 - 3:50pm

  • Posted by Stacy Updated: Nov 2023 0 Comments Donations
    This feature is available for Stripe and Square Gateway users only. 

    We chose Stripe for several reasons: 
    •  They offer fantastic rates with no monthly fees.
    •  Stripe has even lower fees for non-profits.
    •  Their gateway connection allows us to see errors to help you troubleshoot any refund challenges.
    •  Their API and documentation provided an excellent foundation with which to work.
    Square has similar benefits, which is why it has been added to the list!

    Getting Started for Recurring Donations
    To enable recurring donations, please do the following:
    1. Head to your Giving tab >> Fundraising Campaigns 
    2. Edit the fundraising campaign you wish to enable recurring donations 
    3. Under RECURRING DONATIONS, either include it (making it optional for patrons to make it a recurring donation) or include and require it.

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    Many of you use other software to collect single donations and monthly recurring donations from your customers. With ThunderTix, combine your general donations, campaign donations, and recurring donations into a single system where all customers and donors are tracked together. 

    Patrons may elect to make their donations monthly recurring by simply checking a box at the time of ticket purchase or via a separate Fundraising Campaign. We'll first process the original donation at the time of order. Then, we'll create a schedule for future orders to cover the upcoming months. Recurring donations will automatically happen on the same day of each month.

    From the Recurring Donations tab, you can view all recurring donations, edit the amount of a donation, change the day of the month or suspend the recurring donation at any time.

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