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"You have entered an invalid or previously used coupon code" - Tue - May 31, 2011 - 2:18pm

  • Posted by Dawn Updated: Oct 2021 0 Comments Coupons
    If you receive the error, 'You have entered an invalid or previously used coupon code', check the following:
    1. Coupons are case sensitive. Try cutting and pasting the actual code from your Coupon tab into the order to see if it is accepted. If not, go to Step 2.
    2. Go to: Revenue Builders > Coupons
    3. Search for the Coupon by name
    4. Compare the Quantity created and the quantity redeemed to ensure there are still coupons available.
    5. If the Coupon should be available, hover over the coupon name and click the Edit button to check the redemption frequency. If the coupon should be multi-use or unlimited you can update here.
    6. If you have made changes, click the Update button to save them.

     If none of the above worked, also ensure that the coupon hasn't been attempted to be used within the last 10 minutes. If the coupon is a 'single use' and the coupon was applied to an order that was "abandoned", wait 10 minutes for the order to fully expire and try it again.