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Is it possible to set the maximum number of seats but not change the current defaults? - Tue - Jun 14, 2011 - 11:53am

  • Posted by Dawn Updated: Dec 2021 0 Comments Managing Events
    For general admission events, the venue capacity can be altered for each event. To change the capacity for your event, please navigate to:
    Events tab >
    1. Click Manage next to your desired event
    2. Click the Purchase Settings tab
    3. Under the Restrictions and Waitlist, adjust the capacity by clicking on the current capacity number and changing it to your desired capacity
    4. The capacity change will automatically update 
    5. Repeat for every event that you would like to change the capacity for

    If you would like to create a new event with a different capacity, you can do this by navigating to:
    1. Click + Create Event
    2. After filling out the necessary details under Event Basics, scroll down to Advanced Ticket Options
    3. Under Ticket Availability change the Event Capacity
    4. Click Finish to save

    Reserved seating events have a capacity based on the number of seats in the reserved seating chart. The capacity listed cannot be changed and is only visible to logged-in users. If you wish to adjust the capacity of a reserved seating event, you can do so by blocking and socially distancing seats. Here is a discussion for blocking seats on your reserved seating event: