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Support Forum error: 'Street address and postal code do not match' - Fri - Jul 22, 2011 - 11:26am

  • Posted by Dawn Updated: Aug 2021 0 Comments Credit Card Processing
    Upon an attempted checkout, customers may receive the error, 'Street address and postal code do not match.'  Transaction errors are created by your gateway and sent to ThunderTix for display. To help learn more details, it may be helpful to log in to your gateway account and review the messages for that transaction. As an alternative and as a venue administrator, you may process a purchase on behalf of your buyers without the required address fields. This will bypass the address matching requirements forced upon your buyer.

    You have the control of modifying when either accepts or rejects a payment based on the AVS result
    . You can choose to reject or accept payment for any of the following circumstances: 

    • AVS data provided is invalid or AVS is not allowed for the card type that was used.
    • The AVS system was unavailable at the time of processing.
    • The card issuing bank is of non-U.S. origin and does not support AVS.
    • The address information for the cardholder is unavailable.
    • The U.S. card issuing bank does not support AVS.

    To update your settings, log in to your account at  Click on Settings in the left menu and then 'Address Verification Service' in the center of the page.