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How do I connect my gateway with ThunderTix? - Tue - Dec 21, 2010 - 2:59pm

  • Posted by Dawn Updated: Nov 2023 0 Comments Credit Card Processing
    First, log into your gateway. 

    For New ThunderTix Accounts Only: Activation & Test Mode
    1.  Once logged into, you should see a red bar across the top of the page that states you are in Test Mode
    2.  In the left menu, beneath Account, click Settings
    3.  In the center of the Settings page, under Security Settings, click Test Mode
    4.  Click Turn Test Off.

    Obtaining your API information from
    1. Click Settings in the left menu again
    2. In the center of the Settings page, under Security Settings, click API Login ID and Transaction Key
    3. Answer the secret question that you created when you activated your account and click Submit
    4. The API Login ID and Transaction key are displayed on the screen. Leave this screen open for steps 1-6 for ThunderTix Integration below. 

    Obtaining your Public Client Key from
    The Client Key is required. 
    1. Navigate to Account > Settings > Security Settings > General Security Settings > Manage Public Client Key
    2. Copy the Client Key and follow steps 1-6 below to paste it into your Gateway settings.

    IMPORTANT: If you are adding your Public Client Key for the first time, you should also get a new copy of your Transaction key (explained above) since it will be inactivated after 24 hours when a change is made to the API credentials.

    ThunderTix Integration
    1. Log in as an admin of your account. Only admins can edit Gateway settings.
    2. Click the Cogs icon in the top menu, and click on Gateway.
    3. In the drop-down of available gateways, select
    4. Choose your the currency you have set within your settings
    5.  Paste Login ID and transaction key separately from your account into the corresponding fields at the bottom of the page
    6. Click Add Gateway to save.

    Running a Test Transaction
    You need to confirm that your payment gateway is properly connected to ThunderTix after your information is saved.

    How do I run a test transaction in ThunderTix?