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How do I run a test transaction in ThunderTix? - Fri - Dec 2, 2011 - 4:58pm

  • Posted by Dawn Updated: Sep 2023 0 Comments Credit Card Processing
    Running a Test Transaction 

    Once you have an event created, you can run a test transaction to test your gateway sale to make sure everything is working properly before going live. 

    1. Head to the: Event Manager
    2. Choose an event to test with by clicking the Manage button 
    3. Next, click the Sell button next to a performance
    4. Select 1 ticket and continue to the Order Summary page. If selling a reserved seating event, select the seat, continue to the next page to select your ticket, and click Continue to get to the Order Summary page
    5. In the Price field at the top of the page, enter the new dollar amount as '5.00'
    6. When you click out of that field, you will see the price of the ticket changed to $5.00 and the original price marked beside it
    7. Pay by credit card
    8. Enter all needed credit card fields to process the transaction: number, expiration, and CVV
    9. Click 'Confirm Order'

    If everything is set up properly, the payment will be approved and you will see 'Your order was processed successfully!'. Check your gateway to also ensure that you see the payment of $5 pending. At times, there may be a problem processing the card if the gateway is either not active or not connected properly to ThunderTix

    For If the transaction is declined and the message says any of the following: 'The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive ''Credit card transactions are not accepted by this merchant'' Transactions of this market type cannot be processed on this system'. Check your account to make sure that the following are true. 

    1. It's not in TEST mode.
    2. The API Login and Transaction Key are correct.
    3. You applied for an Internet merchant account (not retail).
    4. The account is indeed still active.

    You may need to contact directly to confirm that the account is still active and everything is properly enabled.If the transaction is declined and the message says:'The Global Payment System identification numbers are incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider'You should call the merchant service provider - in this case, Global Payments - and tell them that you received this exact message. They may need to make changes to the way that they set up your account.
    Voiding or Refunding Test Transactions
    If your gateway is with, you can void an order on the same day it was placed.

    What is the difference between a void and a refund?